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State Government

September 16, 2021
State Government

FOMO Fridays

17 September 2021 — 8 October 2021

September 15, 2021
State Government

New hospital and arena may affect park lands heritage listing

Adelaide City Council administration has warned councillors proposed developments along the Riverbank “may affect” the park lands' National Heritage Listing. Councillors voted not to oppose the projects but to work with State Government to “inform [their] delivery”.

July 14, 2021
State Government

The Jam, The Mix, The Gig refuses to go quiet

The Jam, The Mix and The Gig, an almost two-decade-old mental health program helping people make social connections through music, has been put on hold due to a lack of government funding. We speak to the people behind the organisation about why it needs to exist.

December 9, 2020
State Government

Adelaide is one step closer to an east-west bikeway

A jagged east-west bikeway cutting through the city along Wakefield and Franklin streets was proposed to the city council last night. The route must now find support in time to be constructed before the council's State Government funding expires.

July 28, 2020
State Government

Wage theft is a real problem

SA Labor politician Irene Pnevmatikos is chairing an ongoing Parliamentary investigation into wage theft. She sat down with CityMag to explain what the Committee on Wage Theft in South Australia's interim report found.

May 18, 2017
State Government

Introducing Ailytic

A new business that strengthens Adelaide's credentials both as a city of startups and a viable manufacturing hub.
