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Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation

November 25, 2021
Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation

Six months on from Kaurna Kardla Parranthi experts see growth

From mushrooms shooting through the soil to healthy tussocks swaying in the wind, academics and volunteers are noticing change in Tuthangga Park following the cultural burn in May. City of Adelaide officials say the pilot will be repeated in the city's green belt.

July 5, 2021
Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation

Returning flame to soil

In May, soil in the Parklands met with flames in the first approved cultural burn in Kaurna Yerta Adelaide since colonisation. CityMag reporter Angela Skujins camped with Kaurna elders, uncles and young men the night before the event to hear what this means to them and for country.
