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Adelaide CBD

February 3, 2021
Adelaide CBD

We need more trees to keep SA cool

South Australian Greens politician Mark Parnell has called on the State Government to prioritise trees over concrete as “the city is getting hotter and climate change is making things worse”.

January 27, 2021
Adelaide CBD

What CBD workers will lose with the sale of City Beach

Two East End CBD workers tell CityMag the benefits of increased productivity, sense of community and workplace cohesion will be lost if the City of Adelaide sells off Pirie Street's City Beach volleyball courts.

November 8, 2019
Adelaide CBD

We built this city out of rock and toil

Colleen and Arthur Brennen retired on Hurtle Square after building many residential developments that helped this city grow up and fill out. We ride shotgun with them on a tour through town of all the places they’ve built and places they’ve lived in over the years.

November 20, 2018
Adelaide CBD

Escaping suburbia

The Bowes have lived in the city for more than thirty years across several addresses. Reflecting on that time, from their new apartment on Hurtle Square, the couple reveal it was a brief stint in the suburbs that galvanised their desire to live a perennial city life.

November 10, 2017
Adelaide CBD

Home is where the dogs are

Adam Hadley-Darrie and Paul Engelhardt have turned an ordinary townhouse into an extraordinary home through the addition of well-curated furniture and art, and plentiful pets and plants.
