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SA Museum

March 7, 2024
SA Museum

A night at the SA Museum

For the first time in its 167 year history, the South Australian Museum will open its doors for 48 hours for GONDWANA VR: The Exhibition as part of the Adelaide Festival.

February 21, 2019
SA Museum

How blockchain could help digitise the SA Museum’s collection

The SA Museum, in partnership with Civic Ledger, has been named as a finalist in the State Government’s Blockchain Innovation Challenge. To figure out how the technology works, we’ve revisited a conversation with Civic Ledger co-founder Katrina Donaghy from last year.

June 26, 2017
SA Museum

Adelaide for all with Lara Torr

Between her city apartment, her job at the SA Museum, and an upcoming global trip to research disability access in institutions, Lara Torr is helping to make sure Adelaide's cultural life is for everyone, not just for a few.

June 12, 2015
SA Museum

Death and life

He may work in a basement laboratory full of weird tools and knives, but the city’s only taxidermist is much more interested in keeping animals alive than seeing them dead.

May 29, 2014
SA Museum

Ngintaka exhibtion

The Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in North West South Australia are full of art – and much of it concentrates on expressing the story of Wati Ngintaka.
