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May 29, 2014
What's On

Ngintaka exhibtion

The Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in North West South Australia are full of art – and much of it concentrates on expressing the story of Wati Ngintaka.

  • Image: Billy Wara, Ngintaka - Perentie Lizard (detail) 2007, Kerry Stokes Collection.

This will be the first time Anangu traditional owners from the APY Lands relate the story, one of their foundational songlines, in such a multi-layered exhi­bition. The South Australian Museum will be the canvas for works that combine song, story, dance, painting, carving, tjanpi, audio and a 360-degree film install­ation that aim to tell the story of Wati Ngintaka – the Perentie Lizard man.

The South Australian Museum
Showing until June 22

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