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Royal Adelaide Hospital

September 6, 2021
Royal Adelaide Hospital

The algorithm will see you now

Doctor visits augmented by artificial intelligence are nothing to fear, so long as the health industry comes to understand and accept the technology’s benefits and blind spots.

June 22, 2018
Royal Adelaide Hospital

Operation transformation

The former Royal Adelaide Hospital site is being transformed into a hub for innovation, art and culture – a “future factory” for generations of South Australians to come.

December 7, 2017
Royal Adelaide Hospital

A Portal to the past

In Shared Studio's Portal, the golden shipping container sat in front of oRAH, Johnny von Einem found the internet of days gone by.

October 3, 2017
Royal Adelaide Hospital

When a new pub saves an old bar from ORAH

The Jolly Bar was a staff-only bar on the Old Royal Adelaide Hospital campus that wasn't welcome at the new hospital. But now it's found a new home, and a new public-is-welcome admissions policy, at the West Oak Hotel.

June 5, 2017
Royal Adelaide Hospital

Just One Thing… at Munooshi

What to eat at the little Adelaide café that - with two new locations on the horizon - is coming to a street near you soon.

February 20, 2015
Royal Adelaide Hospital

Sunrise over the east

With its busy small businesses, high-end retail, large public institutions and multitude of cafés, Adelaide’s East End has long been one of our most successful precincts. But as the westward migration gathers momentum, it must take on the challenge of redefining itself.
