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australia day

April 6, 2021
australia day

‘Museum guy’ John Carty on the power of social media

SA Museum Head of Humanities John Carty has a strong Instagram follow-to-follow ratio and counts the Premier as a fan. He says he uses the platform to share “hard” but “important” Indigenous stories from within the institution.

January 25, 2018
australia day

The power of public art

After a successful campaign during the same sex marriage plebiscite last year, Jake Holmes has teamed up with Elizabeth Close to reimagine the C’mon Aussie poster for a different cause.

January 22, 2015
australia day

How to… long weekend

If the prospect of barbecues, endless chat about Taylor Swift controversies and bumming around at the beach is feeling a little bland, here are some alternate activities for your Australia Day long weekend.

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