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Adelaide City Council

December 15, 2021
Adelaide City Council

Why aren’t more women cycling in the city?

According to a recent national survey, only 11.4 per cent of females in South Australia cycle, compared to 23.6 per cent of males. Researchers and cycling advocates say better infrastructure is needed to increase the number of women commuting via bicycle.

December 15, 2021
Adelaide City Council

Everything that happened at this week’s Adelaide City Council meeting

From an investigation into e-scooter speeds in the city to a revelation that five Adelaide city councillors have not provided proof of their vaccination status – this is everything important that occurred at the four-hour decision-making meeting this week.

December 9, 2021
Adelaide City Council

An afternoon at Puti on Kaurna Yerta

As the Puti on Kaurna Yerta pilot program, designed to help Aboriginal remote visitors return to Country, comes to an end, CityMag spent a couple of hours getting to know the people the site has helped.

November 25, 2021
Adelaide City Council

Six months on from Kaurna Kardla Parranthi experts see growth

From mushrooms shooting through the soil to healthy tussocks swaying in the wind, academics and volunteers are noticing change in Tuthangga Park following the cultural burn in May. City of Adelaide officials say the pilot will be repeated in the city's green belt.

November 10, 2021
Adelaide City Council

Adelaide City Council backflips to support Riverbank Arena

Exactly two weeks after the Adelaide City Council formally rejected the State Government’s 71-hectare park lands grab, it has voted to support the Marshall Government’s $662m Riverbank Arena being built on Helen Mayo Park.
