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State Theatre Company

December 19, 2016
State Theatre Company

Theatre that’s theatrical

With pressure from on-demand, digitally delivered entertainment options our State Theatre Company is accentuating the positives.

October 13, 2016
State Theatre Company

The delightfully drawn world of Rumpelstiltskin

Chris Edser's idiosyncratic illustrations and animations form the backdrop against which the magical and surreal world of Rumpelstiltskin is conjured in a new production.

June 28, 2016
State Theatre Company

The woman behind the men

The State Theatre Company breaks new ground with Straight White Men, a play that calls into question the dominance of its eponymous cohort.

January 12, 2015
State Theatre Company

How to be a set (and costume) designer

By blending the sometimes non-complementary skills of imagination and real world application, set and costume designer Ailsa Paterson builds little worlds that give us the chance to slip seamlessly away from reality for a few hours.

May 29, 2014
State Theatre Company

Little Bird

Weaving a modern, dark fairytale world, The State Theatre Company’s new one-man show Little Bird draws you in with its familiar once-upon-a-time story and then takes you to strange and unsettling places.
