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lightbulb digital

November 19, 2019
lightbulb digital

The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s new look

Creating a new graphic identity for a cultural icon that lives and breathes online is a fraught undertaking, but Adelaide company Lightbulb Digital have ushered in a new era for one of our most hallowed institutions.

June 17, 2015
lightbulb digital

Small business survey: Digital agencies

In this hyper-connected world, people spend more time online than they do sleeping; but rarely do they give a thought to the people who create the bits and pixels. Here, we check-in with the small Adelaide agencies making their mark in the digital world.

February 20, 2015
lightbulb digital

Sunrise over the east

With its busy small businesses, high-end retail, large public institutions and multitude of cafés, Adelaide’s East End has long been one of our most successful precincts. But as the westward migration gathers momentum, it must take on the challenge of redefining itself.
