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Adelaide bikeway

December 15, 2021
Adelaide bikeway

Why aren’t more women cycling in the city?

According to a recent national survey, only 11.4 per cent of females in South Australia cycle, compared to 23.6 per cent of males. Researchers and cycling advocates say better infrastructure is needed to increase the number of women commuting via bicycle.

July 14, 2021
Adelaide bikeway

‘No bulls**t answers’: City Council candidates on the issues that matter

The seven contenders vying for the empty seat in Town Hall speak to CityMag about how they plan on tackling the city's big issues. One candidate suggests a “resort” filled with fast food for rough sleepers, while another calls for the “modification” of city streets for the ease of cars.

December 16, 2020
Adelaide bikeway

Adelaide’s east-west bikeway has been delayed

Following a motion from Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Couros, further community consultation will be undertaken before implementing the city's proposed east-west bikeway. Some councillors are concerned the move will kill off the infrastructure project all together.
