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53 results

March 25, 2020

How to stay sane and entertained at home in Adelaide during COVID-19

Being socially distanced doesn't mean being completely isolated from society. There are businesses, arts groups and institutions offering cultural and community connection through the world wide web - from virtual gallery tours, free morning yoga sessions to local livestreamed gigs.

November 27, 2019

Adelaide UniBar announces U’Ball 2020

UniBar Adelaide's new era is upon us, and to celebrate its first O-week the revived bar has announced U'Ball: a musical extravaganza featuring the likes of Montaigne, The Vanns, Cry Club and Elsy Wameyo.

June 29, 2019

Adelaide winter eating guide

Going out in winter is never difficult if you know where to go and what to order. Use our Winter Eating Guide to find new and old favourites to fill up on at breakfast, lunch or dinner during SA Food Month.

February 29, 2016

My Adelaide with Heather Croall

It has been running for more than half a century, but no two Adelaide Fringes are the same. For her first Fringe as Director and CEO, Heather Croall is making the city more a part of the festival than ever before.

June 13, 2024

Gelato worth jogging for

Messina Run Club meets at Kent Town every Monday night to catch up with friends, make new ones and indulge in a cheeky scoop or two.
