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39 results

January 9, 2020

Queering South Australia’s museums

When Nikki Sullivan started working at the Migration Museum five years ago there were no items catalogued as “queer.” In a new book, the South Australian curator argues museums must give more real estate to LGBTIQ+ stories, and artefacts must be classified in a radical new way.

January 24, 2019

Aboriginal lives matter most on Australia Day

Over an hour-long interview, AGSA curator Nici Cumpston gently and eloquently debunks our publisher’s prejudices and preconceptions about the John Mawurndjul exhibition and the great many things we have to celebrate about Aboriginal culture.

December 21, 2023

Read all about CityMag’s summer book club

The summer break is a great time to catch up on those books you've been meaning to read, but haven't got around to. Here are CityMag's recommendations based on our favourites for the year.

August 23, 2023

Jive has planned a live music blowout for its 20th birthday

The Wanderers, Special Patrol, The Trafalgars and a “special guest” are billed to play at the birthday party of one of Adelaide’s most beloved live music venues, Jive. To commemorate the milestone, we speak to owner Tam Boakes about the gigs, gaffes and green room moments that have made the decades
