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park lands

April 4, 2024
park lands

Women’s sport the loser amid park lands clubrooms debate

Adelaide City Council has been told that old and inadequate park lands facilities discourage female players and have forced teams to be cut, amid ongoing debate over council costs and responsibility for community sport infrastructure.

November 25, 2022
park lands

‘Finally!’: Helen Mayo Park returned to Park Lands

An Adelaide Park Lands community defender has welcomed news that Helen Mayo Park will be protected and rehabilitated, however they remain adamant six other green sites are under “attack” and slated for government development.

October 27, 2021
park lands

Councillors vote to reject State Gov’s Park Lands grab

With a majority vote, Adelaide City councillors formally supported the position of “no net loss of Park Lands”, while a former councillor will bring the Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment fight to parliament.

September 15, 2021
park lands

New hospital and arena may affect park lands heritage listing

Adelaide City Council administration has warned councillors proposed developments along the Riverbank “may affect” the park lands' National Heritage Listing. Councillors voted not to oppose the projects but to work with State Government to “inform [their] delivery”.

February 6, 2020
park lands

Anyone for a beer in the Parklands?

If the proposed Parklands 24/7 alcohol ban is implemented, the tradition of cracking tinnies in the city's Green Belt will be reserved only for the privileged few.
