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Farrin Foster

August 17, 2017
Farrin Foster

Lessons from Adelaide’s (big) sister Austin

When viewed from abroad, Adelaide is no further away than Sydney or Melbourne – it's all just Australia. From her current vantage in Austin, Texas, editor Farrin Foster considers the impact of this reality on Adelaide's identity.

July 28, 2017
Farrin Foster

Winter book shelf

A personal recommendation is the best way to guarantee a good book (or magazine) comes home with you. Here’s what we’re reading, and why we think you should be reading it too.

July 18, 2017
Farrin Foster

Podcast: Identity and fashion

CityMag fashion director, Sharmonie Cockayne, talks to Josh and Farrin about whether what you wear reflects who you are (and Farrin argues that, yes, it does, and - resultantly - she is a hoodie with toothpaste on it).

June 28, 2017
Farrin Foster

Podcast: Sex and food

Two things you can't live without, one of which you maybe shouldn't talk about on a podcast with your ex-partner.

June 15, 2017
Farrin Foster

Mediocrity rising

Why being small stops us being excellent, and how that can change.

June 8, 2017
Farrin Foster

Podcast: Waste and Death

A podcast featuring Aimee Knight that was supposed to talk about coffee cups and waste, but ends up hitting the big issues: Death, trying to be an adult, and (of course) capitalism's fatal flaws.

May 31, 2017
Farrin Foster

Podcast: Talking shop

This week, Josh and Farrin talk with Al Mawer - owner of Twenty Fifty Two retail shop and their downstairs neighbour – about success in retail (see Al's example), failure in retail (see that time Josh and Farrin tried to run a shop), community, and (incongruously) Indonesian politics.

May 24, 2017
Farrin Foster

Podcast: Religion

An atheist, a former Pentecostal Christian, and a non-practising Catholic walk into a recording studio.

May 17, 2017
Farrin Foster

Podcast: Deadlines and Country Australia

This week, Josh and Farrin talk with CityMag senior journalist Johnny von Einem about the horror of deadlines, marrying Farrin's best friend (a thing Johnny did), and moving from country Australia to city Australia.
