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Adelaide Park Lands

February 15, 2023
Adelaide Park Lands

Inside archery’s expanding long-range appeal

Three times a week, Adelaide Archery Club's grassy knoll in the Park Lands becomes a flurry of bows and arrows. With the aid of council and state grants, the 173-year-old club hopes to soon upgrade its ageing clubrooms to meet demand and broaden its inclusivity.

November 25, 2022
Adelaide Park Lands

‘Finally!’: Helen Mayo Park returned to Park Lands

An Adelaide Park Lands community defender has welcomed news that Helen Mayo Park will be protected and rehabilitated, however they remain adamant six other green sites are under “attack” and slated for government development.

September 23, 2022
Adelaide Park Lands

The Adelaide Park Lands needs its ‘political champion’: Patrick

Lord Mayor aspirant Rex Patrick alleges recently revealed FOI documents show the Adelaide City Council does not have a “work” or “project plan” to pursue World Heritage Listing status for the city’s 760ha green belt – but he promises that if elected he will doggedly pursue it.

February 9, 2022
Adelaide Park Lands

Do not develop Nellie Raminyemmerin Frome Park: councillors

Elected members have gone in to bat for Nellie Raminyemmerin Frome Park, which looks set to be swallowed by an expanding Adelaide Botanic High School, with the Lord Mayor instructed to write to all South Australian political parties opposing any development in the park.

November 25, 2021
Adelaide Park Lands

Six months on from Kaurna Kardla Parranthi experts see growth

From mushrooms shooting through the soil to healthy tussocks swaying in the wind, academics and volunteers are noticing change in Tuthangga Park following the cultural burn in May. City of Adelaide officials say the pilot will be repeated in the city's green belt.
