Adelaide Cabaret Festival
7 – 22 June 2024
More7 – 22 June 2024
MoreThe Ern Malley Affair, a 1940s literary hoax, has captivated Adelaide musician Max Savage from a young age. For the Adelaide Cabaret Festival, the artist will bring the story to life through music and live painting.
MoreJulia Zemiro’s Cabaret Festival is embracing iconic venues across the city and injecting new life into one of the city’s most successful events. Use our quick guide to get the most out of the festival in 2019.
MoreWeaving a modern, dark fairytale world, The State Theatre Company’s new one-man show Little Bird draws you in with its familiar once-upon-a-time story and then takes you to strange and unsettling places.
MoreThere’s more to celebrate in June than the Queen’s Birthday; like the world’s largest cabaret festival. And, before you rule it out because you’re not into feather boas and vaudeville entertainment,it might pay to think again. These days cabaret’s so much more.
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