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December 16, 2016

Main Street Week: How to Christmas Shop on The Parade

And have a good time while you're doing it.

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  • Words: Johnny von Einem
  • Pictures: Jessica Clark

It’s Christmas time and there are many people in your life that you love, some of whom, you will figure, are worthy of receiving a gift to show just how much you care.



CityMag is spending the next five days on The Parade Norwood. These profiles are part of a new series called Mainstreet Week, where we look into the past, present and future of Adelaide’s highest profile strips.

See our other articles in The Parade series:
Brick + Mortar
Outdoors on Parade
La Vigne
Stone’s Throw

The problem is, it’s the end of the year and you’re quite busy.

Fear not! CityMag has spent an entire week getting to know the ins and outs of The Parade, and we reckon there’s no better spot for a one-stop Christmas shop (with plenty of opportunity for snacking).

If you’re going to cover all of your dear friends in one trip, it’s going to be a wise move to start with a croissant.

Your first stop should of course then be La Madeleine, for a much-hyped raspberry and pistachio croissant, with a coffee and a bottle of Orangina to match.


Sufficiently fueled, our next suggestion is Sooki, for the fashionably discerning sister, mother, aunt, girlfriend, wife, or next door neighbour (or even for you – self-love is important this time of year too), the staff will be more than happy to set you up.

This photo: Julian Cebo

This photo: Julian Cebo

Wandering further down, you’ll pass the neighbourly homewares stores, Urban Home Republic and Bed Bath N’ Table, which you will pop into because you need to buy for that one distant-ish relative for whom you feel a monogrammed couch pillow adequately represents your level of closeness.

Next up, slightly along the strip, T-Life beckons you with its promise of fragrant teas and in-depth knowledge. You will stay for a tea ceremony, and you will leave with several boxes of China’s finest.

It’s easy to lose track of time during a tea ceremony, so by the time you’re done your best bet will be to backtrack slightly to Argo for your second food stop of the day, where granola bowls and lattes abound.

This photo: Julian Cebo

This photo: Julian Cebo

There’s surely at least one keen reader in your circle of friends, you are, after all, a CityMag reader ( 🙂 ), and for all things textual, Dillons Bookshop provides endless possibilities.

A handy tip: give yourself plenty of browsing time.

You’ll need to be well equipped for Christmas brunch, and the only way to do that is to turn up with the right kind of booze, for the right kind of booze, you’re going to want to spend some time at Parade Cellars.


Whether it’s gin, whisky, wine, or craft beer, their range is immense, and if required the staff will gladly point you in the right direction.

Because it’s Christmas and you don’t need an excuse for a second lunch, why not take a quick breather at Pavé. There’s not long to go, but browsing through books and beer can take it out of you.


This photo: Julian Cebo

The last stop on your tour is Eccola, where, really, you just wanted to step inside because it looks pretty.

The beautiful designs strewn throughout the store are too good to be bought and then given away, so this stop is purely for you.

And with that, Christmas shopping is done.

To celebrate, it’s off to The Col for a pint.

See you there!

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