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June 27, 2023
What's On

The Art of Work is a Work of Art

3—15 July 2023

  • This article was produced in collaboration with Vitalstatistix.

A documentary theatre project, The Art of Work is a Work of Art explores the groundbreaking activist theatre work and legacy of the co-founders of Vitalstatistix in Yerta Bulti, Port Adelaide.


The Art of Work is a Work of Art
3—15 July
11 Nile Street, Port Adelaide 5015
More info

The project will weave together documentary footage, interviews, archival material, and reinterpretations of key plays from the early years of Vitalstatistix.

Both an experimental film and a live art event, this work will examine the evolution of feminist theatre and performance art over 40 years.

The Art of Work is a Work of Art asks what each discipline might have to offer the other through feminist, multidisciplinary and collective ways of writing history.

In revisiting the influential and largely untold history of this theatre, the project brings the past into conversation with the present and future of performing arts both locally and nationally.

For more information on the event, head to the website.

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