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September 28, 2014
What's On

Format Festival

  • Words: Brendan Cooper
  • Picture: Kat Botten

It’s that time of year again, when the Format Collective (a group of artists, writers, musicians and party technicians) put on a bit of a festival and invite you, dear punter, along.

CityMag has nabbed a festival program, and we’re going to give you the closest thing possible to a professional journalistic rundown of the highlights in store for you over the October long weekend. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so head to the Format website to see the full list.

Thursday October 2
Format Festival kicks off at beloved warehouse turned coffee joint, Hello, Yes (from 5pm, 12 Eliza Street, CBD), with [control]. While the description of the exhibition is on the expressionist side, it is also intriguing – a promise of “lasers, blindfolds and such”, somehow linked to a live art type-ish performance. Headed by local artists Ashleigh D’Antonio and Mia Van den Bos, it should be quite an entrance to the festival.

If that’s whet your whistle, head to the Opening Night Party at the Metro Hotel, featuring musical fun from Sydney-siders Lovely Head and local dream-chill-cool-wave-thing dudes Swimming. FIRS and Sparkspitter are also joining, and it’s free, so no excuses.

Friday October 3
CityMag loves a good drink and a dance, so we’ll be heading to Engagement Party, at Ancient World (9pm, 116a Hindley Street). Don’t be deterred by the prospect of marriage proposals here, instead, soak in some ultra cool beats from three talented Sydney musicians – Cassius Select, Moon Holiday, and Chunyin. The party is a live electronica showcase, featuring party favours, tiny cakes, and yes, confetti.

Saturday October 4
Cabaret de Vili’s will be taking over the Lion Arts Centre from 5pm on Saturday, featuring performance, visual, and experimental musical art. Among the interesting things on offer is a session where you can learn everything possible about Travis Cook. One half of the deliciously ’80s-inspired musical duo that is Collarbones, Travis invites you to his motivational lecture on how to Be More Like Travis Cook. Suspicious, yet titillating.

Sunday October 5
The idea of a Zeen was (is still?) cool, and what’s not to love about a small photocopied and stapled booklet comprised of collection of thoughts and feels sold for about $3.50? This is perhaps the 7th Format Zeen & DIY Fair Format Collective have put on, so join in the festivities and buy some paper that’s probably better written than your local weekly rag. CityMag will be there having a look, but not baking pies (as we have in the past. That ended in tears). 

Monday October 6
Fulfil your intentions of a lazy long weekend Monday by attending the 12-hour film marathon, Z-Grade Trash Movie Marathon Madness. Nope, no Hitchcock’s, Scorsese’s or Francis Ford Coppola’s here, just your really-really shit movies that are so-bad-they’re-good! Setup a comfy spot in Mad Mouse Alley, and from Midday on you have nothing to worry about apart from what you shall snack on and spill down your front next.

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