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March 17, 2016
What's On

Feast on the Foreshore

  • Image by PhotoJo

Presumably because we’re all in a sort of festival season come down, the Feast Festival in partnership with The City of Port Adelaide Enfield and Semaphore Mainstreet Association have decided to soften the blow by holding an event this weekend.


Feast on the Foreshore will be happening at the Semaphore Foreshore – Semaphore Road, Semaphore – this Sunday, March 20 10am-4pm.

The Feast on the Foreshore event at Semaphore incorporates two of the best things known to CityMag – dogs and cake. There’s dog shows, which sound more delightful and hilarious than highly serious. And a cake decorating competition – a wonderful thing that presumably lets even the baking-challenged among us get in on the wholesome activity of creating desserts.

There’ll also be lots of local food vendors and artisan stalls, and Feast will debut its latest visual art concept Walk a Day in My Shoes: a story of diversity and inclusion – a visual art display where you can read and learn about people’s life journey through their shoes. So, odds on that you’ll be kept pretty busy this Sunday.


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