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December 5, 2014
What's On

Burger Theory of the month

Burger Theory's latest Burger of the Month may be the best yet.

Chick-fil-A? You know Chick-fil-A. They’re a US fast food franchise. Sort of like KFC, but a bit Deep South-ier. They’ve got a reputation for sourcing poorly raised chickens, using a cooking process that may cause cancer and, of all things, aggressively opposing gay marriage in the United States.


Burger Theory is located on 12 Union Street, off of Rundle Street. The [not] Chick-fil-A is available all during December.

Unfortunately, they also make really good chicken sandwiches. A moral quandary if ever there was one.

Enter Union Street dynamo Burger Theory, and December’s Burger of The Month, the ‘[not] Chick-fil-A’. A chicken burger with Burger Theory’s own secret sauce, pickles, and a hand-battered chicken breast, the [not] Chick-fil-A uses high quality, free-range chickens and eggs sourced from the Clare and Gilbert Valleys.

Burger Theory also mentioned they believe “all people should have the same rights and deserve the same respect, regardless of their sexual orientation.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

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