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November 18, 2016
What's On

Fork on the Road – fourth birthday

  • Picture: Fork on the Road

The emergence of food trucks in Adelaide circa 2010 was one of the first hints that our city was capable of the type of nimbleness and energy that defines the world’s great places. And this Friday night’s Fork on the Road event – the fourth (‘Forkth’) anniversary of the mobile food vendor festival – is a great chance to catch up with some of your old favourites, or explore something new and tasty.


Fork on the Road FORKth Birthday is in Light Square from 5.00pm, this Friday 18th November.

To be held in the oft-neglected Light Square, Fork will feature around 30 mobile food vendors as well as over 20 purveyors of assorted boozes. Festival organiser, Joe Noone, says that the selection on offer should please everyone in possession of a mouth and corresponding stomach:

“The regulars on our streets now in Delectaballs [meatballs], Chimichurri Grill [Argentinian], Daisy Burger [burgers] and Tacocat [tacos; possibly cats]. Some newer trucks are Sookii La La [St East Asian], Feisty Filomena [Italian], and Bohemium Barbecue. There are great desserts from the Little Cake Tin and more recently the Abbots and Kinney motorbike.”

Alongside the Adelaide food truck legends (the venerable grandparent of all things burger and moveable kitchen, Burger Theory, will – of course – be there on Friday, too) will be a few newer faces, including comfort food purveyors The Fat Fork.

Fat Fork co-owner Soufiane Rboub opened his truck about a year ago with two friends, Nick Villios and Simon Gallo, and says that the idea of running a food truck in Adelaide has retained its appeal after all these years.

“You can be experimental and dynamic,” he says “People being more creative with food in the last few years, and the new foodies around means that there’s an expectation of a lot more food creativity and freshness.”

The Fat Fork’s signature dish, the Fat Forker burger, features Angus beef, bacon, macaroni & cheese, and tangy, light blue cheese on a brioche bun. Certainly sounds delicious and filling – it may just call for a few laps of the square afterwards.

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