March 8, 2023
Phillip Martin
Last night all Adelaide City Council members present except one supported taking the first step to bring back free fireworks as an unfenced, un-ticketed, New Year's Eve party on the riverbank.
January 18, 2023
Phillip Martin
Three city councillors have alleged the election of members to remunerated committee positions appears to have been “predetermined” by a new voting bloc, with one suggesting it could be an act of retaliation against the last four years of Team Adelaide rule at Adelaide Town Hall.
December 14, 2022
Phillip Martin
Adelaide city councillors have given e-scooter operators six more months to operate in the city, instead of 12, with the move aimed to line up with a State Government-led consultation beginning in early 2023.
November 30, 2022
Phillip Martin
Controversial incumbent North Ward councillor Phillip Martin has secured the position as the second most senior member in the Adelaide City Council chamber.