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February 8, 2024

Watering ninja or newbie?

Got a full-size garden or pot plants on a balcony? Take our quiz to increase your watering knowledge and, in turn, save your plants, water and cash.

  • This article was produced in collaboration with SA Water
  • Images supplied by SA Water, Graphics by James Taylor

The team at SA Water knows a fair bit (okay, maybe bucketloads) about water and how to use it efficiently inside and outside the home. Which makes them the perfect people to tap (*eye roll*) for this refresher on being waterwise in the garden.

We reckon South Australians are pretty knowledgeable about watering, but there’s always more to learn. So, we’re throwing down the gardening gauntlet with our quiz.

Give it a go and discover – are you a watering ninja or newbie?

SA Water Quiz
Take the quiz!

1. When is the most effective time to water?
Try Again
2. What is the best length for a lawn in summer?
Try Again
3. How can you reduce water usage in your garden?
Try Again
4. Why should you add mulch to your garden beds?
Try Again
5. By how much can a simple misting system reduce air temperature?
Try Again
6. What is xeriscaping?
Try Again
7. How much water does an efficient misting system use in two hours?
Try Again
How did you score?

6-7 Ninja status. You’ve got all the right moves when it comes to watering.

3–5 Not bad at all. But there’s room to grow and flourish.

0–2 Newbie. Like Kevin Costner’s Waterworld, you’re unlikely to see a good return.

Brush up on your waterwise knowledge via SA Water here.

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