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April 11, 2024

Parnati Foliage: A guide for indoor plants care in autumn

We take a look at what will keep you indoor plants happy and healthy in the specific weather conditions Adelaide encounters before winter sets in.

  • Words: Kimberly Murray

Parnati, the waitpi (windy) season, is through April, May, and June. As the months move along, mornings grow cooler, with kudnu (dew/fog) onto the ground. Watch for Parna, a bright star shining near the moon’s lower left side in April.

As the leaves begin to paint the ground outdoors, it is time to turn our attention to our lively indoor plant companions. During this season of shifting temperatures and evolving daylight, it is essential to adapt your indoor plant care routine to ensure a seamless transition for your leafy companions. Here’s what to do:

Embrace the transition

As days shrink and temperatures change, indoor plants will grow at different rates.

Observe your plants during this transition, watching for leaves turning yellow or slow down growth.

Remember, each plant has diverse needs during this time.

Adjust watering levels

With the changing season, it’s also time to change watering routines.

As the air gets drier, indoor plants may need less hydration so check the soil moisture regularly and water only when the top inch feels dry.

Check there is proper drainage to prevent waterlogged roots, a common issue during the cooler months.

Light up the room

Parnati brings diminished sunlight, which can impact the light exposure your indoor plants receive.

As the sun changes its angle, some plants may receive less direct sunlight inside, so consider moving your plants closer to windows to maximise exposure, or supplement with artificial light if needed.

Also monitor your plants for any signs of stretching or leaning, indicating a desire for more light.

Temperature matters

Indoor plants, just like us, can be sensitive to temperature changes.

Be mindful of drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations, especially as we transition from warm to cooler days.

Keep them away from radiators, drafty windows or air conditioning units to maintain a stable environment.

Fertilise with finesse

Parnati is a time for plants to slow down their growth, so adjust your fertilising schedule accordingly.

Reduce the frequency of fertilisation to avoid overstimulating your plants.

Consider using a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser with a lower nitrogen content to support overall health without promoting excessive foliage growth.

Prune and shape

Fall is the perfect time to trim and tidy up indoor greenery.

Trim away yellowing or dead leaves to encourage fresh new growth.

Pruning improves air circulation, minimising the risk of pests and diseases.

Watch out for party crashers

As outdoor temperatures drop, unwanted guests may try to sneak in and threaten your indoor plants.

Stay vigilant for common crashers like spider mites, aphids or mealybugs.

Regularly inspect the leaves and stems and, if necessary, use natural insecticidal soap or neem oil to keep unwanted visitors at bay.

Mealybugs feed by sucking sap from their host plants, weakening them. Scale insects look like small hard or soft bumps on the plant, these are found on the steams and veins of leaves.

Maintain the atmosphere

Indoor heating systems can lead to drier air, affecting your plant’s humidity requirements.

It’s easy to increase humidity levels by placing a tray filled with water near your plants or regularly misting them. This simple step can prevent leaf browning and maintain optimal growing conditions.

By observing, adjusting watering habits, optimising light exposure, and embracing seasonal changes, you will create an indoor haven that not only survives but thrives during the colder months.

So, roll up your sleeves, grab your watering can, and let us make this Parnati a season of flourishing indoor foliage.

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