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February 10, 2022

Adelaide’s best break-up venues

Breaking up is hard to do, so we've gathered tips from you on making the process better for all involved. While you told us in our survey break-ups should never be done in public, this is a guide for anyone looking to end an affair on neutral territory.

  • Main image: The Exeter by Jonathan van der Knaap

The best places in Adelaide to break-up

Tried and true tips from the CityMag-reading public on where to end a relationship


CityMag‘s best break-up venues list was compiled according to responses garnered in a survey we conducted late last year.

The Exeter

Ah, Adelaide’s pub where everybody knows your name (because you’ve already dated a lot those everybodies). The Ex has the advantage of being familiar to both you and the person you’re breaking up with, and therefore no one has the home ground advantage. And because most of your friendship group will likely be there at the time, word will spread quickly, saving you from reliving the ordeal through its retelling dozens of times in the following weeks.


Adelaide Park Lands

Adelaide’s vast green belt provides calming scenery and plenty of space to absorb whatever reaction might come from the breakup. Find a forested area for one final hug goodbye, pick a quiet spot post-convo to sit for a bit of a cry, or just keep walking and talking until all points have been made and finality has been accepted.


Any pub

For anyone who doubts the relevance of the generic suburban pub in 2021, they were a consistent choice among our survey respondents. Just pick somewhere you can sit with a bit of distance from other people. And contrary to the selection at the top of this list, it was also suggested to stay away from where your friends usually hang out. Different folks, different strokes.


A parked car

Cars are underrated spaces of intimacy. Relationships can be made in road trips – trading playlist suggestions, sharing singalongs, and getting into deep conversations while sheltered against the world speeding by the windows. It makes sense, then, to use the intimacy of this two-person pod to talk out what’s not working and why it’s time to take a break.


Somewhere you do not like to go

Again, contrary to the top of this list, it was also suggested to go somewhere you do not see yourself returning to. Wherever you choose to host your breakup is where the memories will remain, so pick wisely. Learn from the example of one of our respondents, who chose a South American restaurant they knew was earmarked for demolition.


Adelaide’s top tips for breaking up

CityMag reader’s tips on how to be a better breaker-upperer.

Venues with multiple exits are a plus. This image: Jonathan van der Knaap

“Somewhere with some small distractions around you to take a bit of intensity out of the conversation – and no interrupting staff!”

“[Do it] somewhere you didn’t drive together.”

“The Exeter has a discreet side exit to avoid that awkward farewell hug.”

“If they don’t live near you, choose somewhere near their place.”

“Somewhere you can either order ahead or pay as you go so you’re not stuck with a huge bill at the end.”

“Just be nice.”


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