The beach is for summer and the sea for winter. The wine-dark ocean’s foamy churn beckons to the adventurer at the heart of everyone. Heed the call to rod and reel while preparing your wardrobe for squid ink and scales.
Gone fishing
For the gentleman:
Setting aside the size of your tackle box for a moment, let’s focus on the best vestments you can buy to see you comfortably through swell and spray before you hopefully come eye-to-eye with a delicious fish.
Jasmin Neophytou is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. Visit her website.
Head: After 30 minutes working the reel you’ll raise a sweat that makes a beanie untenable. Instead we recommend the flannel caps by Ebbets Field to keep your noggin warm and eyes shaded.
Eyes: Polarised sunglasses will brighten the day and illuminate sandy patches in the shallows where King George and his pal Tommy Ruff like to reside. Oh, and a trendy wetsuit strap attached to either arm will save your shades from any unplanned trips to Davey Jones’ Locker.
Top: If you’re heading out before the rosy fingers of dawn, layer up to avoid early fatigue. Regardless of what goes beneath we must insist that you top it off with a Rains rubber jacket in sporting yellow. It’d hardly be a trip on a boat without a bright yellow jacket now would it?
Bottoms: We tend to believe that waders are reserved for the angler who can reach a bag limit, so while you fumble with tangles rather than double headers, a pair of skinny black jeans will help you fit in down Semaphore way.
Boots: When in doubt, whack on some rubber. Wet feet are a big downer on a boat so we’re continuing the polyurethane theme with the slightly sophisticated looking Gill Short Fishing Boots.
For the ladies:
When it comes to fishing and fashion, looking like a fish out of water is the last thing you want. An effortlessly up-to-the-minute sartorial style is your aim – one that is practical yet perfectly co-ordinated – so you look like quite the catch, even as you are hooking the catch of the day.
Head: The howling sea wind is no place for bare ears, and unlike your male counterpart here you’re not given to a sweaty head. A Carhartt beanie in red is cosy and modest. The jetty is no place for fuzzy ear warmers.
Body: A woollen jumper is mandatory. If you don’t have a hand-made knit from Nan, an I Love Mr Mittens woollen high-neck in tan will get the job done. If you don’t want fish guts on your expensive knit, then opt for a second-hand old man turtleneck from Savers. A vest and skivvy for under the jumper come highly recommended.
Legs: Lay it all out on the line and sport a pair of suspender pants! These Patagonia Dual Point Alpine Pants are suitable for rain, hail or shine. They are stretchy and have many pockets in which to stash your snacks. The detachable suspenders will look pretty sharp over the jumper. Roll the pants up at the bottom to complete the look.
Waist: Tie a rain spray jacket around your waist. Here is where practicality meets street style – or jetty style as the case may be.
Hands: Gloves are your best friend. These Patagonia wool-lined wetsuit gloves are tough on the outside and warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Feet: Unleash your inner tomboy and don a pair of Timber Boots! They are actually the “in” thing right now so you will be stomping in style. Timberland Premium Waterproof Boots are the popular brand of choice and a pair of woollen socks are a wise accompaniment.