When Adelaide steps up
Words: Claudia Dichiera
Pictures: Matisse Chambers
In a small state, our fashion choices can be rather bare. But, when CityMag stopped to smell the roses during Fashion Week last year – which was literally just looking and appreciating the well-dressed people passing by – we did our very best to separate the real from the fake. Yes, this industry attracts the people who are here for the Instagram post, but it also brings in those who are admirers of art, and clothing in particular.
We hit the streets to ask what it means to us to have a festival dedicated to the industry we love, and what fashion in South Australia looks like.

Michelle Hok
“I think it’s a collection of like-minded individuals who really enjoy fashion, but also have a passion for local business and sustainability, and just furthering the fashion industry in South Australia.”

Ramsh Umair
“I’ve always been into prints, big bold prints. But the simplicity the Adelaide fashion brings into your clothes – it is top notch… So I think I, in a good way, learn how to turn it down a bit.”

Daniel Driscoll (Left)
“I have just arrived [from London], but I would say it’s very similar to what I see in Melbourne, and I really love Melbourne – quite edgy, sort of vintage clothing that I’ve noticed. It’s different to the rest of Australia from what I’ve seen.”
Sandra Van Ryswyk (Right)
“People are out there, but also very reserved, and I like that – it humbles me.”

Jasmine Makai
“I just love that it’s finally becoming a thing, you know what I mean? It’s been such a quiet, little city and then finally we’re bringing it to life.”

Samuel Dng (Left)
“The fashion in Australia is quite different from all over the world – it’s more casual.”
Jacqueline Alanne (Right)
“I love that there is actually a little bit of something for everybody — everyone always overlooks SA.”

Isabella McRae
“I love how connected the community is, and how supportive everybody is of each other within it.”

Isabella Candeloro
“It means expressing your creativity in a very fun and unique way, and just forming good connections with other like-minded creatives.”
This article was first published in print Issue 41 of CityMag, released in November 2023.