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September 25, 2014

Automotive anxiety

It's been a week of automotive anxiety, with speed limits at an all-time low in parts of the city and the State Government's car parking levy facing a hostile Parliament. Cartoonist Ross Bateup reports from the frontline of the fight for Adelaide's streets.

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  • Cartoons: Ross Bateup

The State Government’s proposed car parking levy will not make it off the starting line after Upper House crossbenchers Dennis Hood and Robert Brokenshire of Family First and independent John Darley declared their intention to side with the Liberals and vote the legislation down. The Government is saying the lost revenue will result in cuts to planned transport projects such as new trams and that city congestion will only get worse as a result.

Meanwhile, cars have been slowed to a crawl in parts of the city as newly paved streets prove less than revolutionary in their ability to create the friction required between tyre and road to make brakes functional.

Urban Planning specialist and cartoonist Ross Bateup looks on, and wonders if the best solution to the car crisis might be that simple and time-proven transport solution: walking.

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