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July 23, 2024

Meet the Scouted artists

CityMag found out more about some of the local artists playing the 2024 Scouted showcase at Jive and Nexus Arts next week ahead of the gig.

  • Words: Helen Karakulak
  • Graphic: Mikaela Balacco and James Taylor
  • Pictures: supplied

From folk singer-songwriters to feminine punk, a range of SA talent will be on show in the West End on Friday, August 2 as part of MusicSA’s Scouted program.


Listen to a playlist of these local artists on Spotify.

If you’re a South Australian band or musician, join our Artist Network, and let us know about your new release.

The Scouted program supports unsigned South Australian-based artists and bands that write original music, culminating in a showcase where they play for indie record labels and managers as well as punters.

In addition to playing in the Scouted showcase, these artists receive training in stagecraft, developing an electronic press kit and delegate passes to attend Indie-Con and the 2024 Australian Independent Record Awards.

We checked in with some of the artists on the lineup to get to know them better ahead of the show.


Bjéar is an experimental artist playing folk indie music that he describes as Cabin-core.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
Nothing beats seeing one of my faves live, but I also love listening to a record with no distractions.

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
I believe it would have been a hardcore show at Fowler’s around the age of 12 to see a couple of bands I loved (including one I joined many years later!)

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Moving, hopeful, inspiring.

What are you most looking forward to about IndieCon?
Learning about a side to the industry I’ve not engaged with before + meeting new people and spending time with fellow Adelaide musicians.

What Adelaide bands/artists are on your playlist right now?
Always Frank Henry and Los Leo.

Sandos or Sushi? Just Down the Road Sando
Spotify or Apple Music? Recently moved to Apple
Cranker or Hindley Street Music Hall? Cranker


Bromham is a unique community band that plays joyous folk orchestra.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
Seeing bands live at small venues or house shows. We’ve found ourselves most inspired watching local artist friends at small venues or house shows, expressing themselves bravely and openly. It’s what makes the Adelaide scene wonderful.

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
The first one I remember being really affected by was at the Pheonix in Canberra (where I grew up). My friends were in a big wild party jazz band called Party Gravy. The venue was teeeny tiny and half of them weren’t on the stage and everyone was dancing. Wonderful chaos.

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Joyous, Celebration, Storytelling.

CM: What Adelaide artists are on your playlist right now?
St Jacques, Wake in Fright, Short Snarl, Sturt Ave, Katie Pomery, Effie Isobel.

Vinyls or CDs? Vinyl
Spotify or Apple Music? Spotify
Coffee or hot chocolate? Coffee

effie isobel

This picture: Rory Biddell

effie isobel is a singer-songwriter playing sweet and vulnerable bubble-grunge.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
Live, in a friend’s living room probably, there’s no foldback and I keep falling, tripping over the corner of the Persian rug trying to dance, but the vibes are immaculate.

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
The first gig I went to was The Wiggles at The Entertainment Centre. According to my dad, I broke through the barrier of the section we were in to go dance up the front.

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Intentional, colourful, wholesome.

CM: What are you most looking forward to about IndieCon?
Meeting new people and the Spotify Fresh Finds Keynote.

CM: What Adelaide bands/artists are on your playlist right now?
The Empty Threats, Jess Day, Eli And The Truth, St Jacques & Cagefly

Sandos or Sushi? Sushi!
Vinyls or CDs? CDs
Spotify or Apple Music? Bandcamp!

Lizzie Hosking

Lizzie Hosking is a pop musician.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
I love seeing the development from streaming to live, when artists change up their sound to make it more interesting on stage it just makes me tingle, I love it!

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
The first local gig I went to was in Uni with some mates, they wanted to take me to one of their friend’s shows, it was great getting the atmosphere of other young people enjoying punk rock music. Great vibes. 

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Carefree, Non-judgement, Good-vibes.

CM: How did you hear about Scouted?
I heard about scouted through the MusicSA website, I love seeing all of the updates for new artists coming through, and wanted to jump at this opportunity.

CM: What Adelaide artists are on your playlist right now?
I am loving effie isobel and Sofia Menguita, I also love Aleksiah and the girls in Pest Control. Such a broad range of talent here.

Sandos or Sushi? Sushi
Spotify or Apple Music? Spotify!!
Cranker or Hindley Street Music Hall? Cranker

My Chérie 

My Chérie is an indie-pop artist.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
I love listening to music when I’m travelling, especially solo. Putting my noise-cancelling headphones in and looking out a window on a bus or an aeroplane; seeing unfamiliar places and basically just being a main character. I find that I absorb it differently and get quite introspective and inspired. I suppose the best way I could explain the feeling is that music becomes a real friend.

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
One of my earliest memorable gigs was The Paper Kites at The Gov with supports, Phebe Star and Airling – over 10 years ago. They were the first band that I really fell in love with as a young person. I saw them all having dinner that night and said hello and gave them a really bad demo of me singing which is quite cute but embarrassing to think of in hindsight.

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Connected, uplifted, inspired

CM: What are you most looking forward to about IndieCon?
There is such a great panel this year so I know we’re all going to learn a lot. I’m excited to digest as much as possible and see where the new industry knowledge and inspired, sparked ideas could lead to!

CM: What Adelaide artists are on your playlist right now?
Favourite recent releases – fellow scouted artist, effie isobel’s latest track ‘Peach Heart’ + Aleksiah’s track ‘Who Are You When You’re Not Performing?’ + Katie Pomery’s track ‘I go quiet’.

Sandos or Sushi? Sushi
Vinyls or CDs? Vinyls
Cranker or Hindley Street Music Hall?  It’s a total dream of mine to play Hindley Street Music Hall one day but why don’t we get a Coopers Dark Ale at the Cranker afterwards to celebrate?

Pest Control

This picture: Hannah Young

Pest Control is an all-female band that self-describes their genre as fever dream fem punk.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
We all love consuming our music live! There is always so much energy at Adelaide shows and it rocks, we especially love seeing shows at Jive, the Grace Emily and the Crown & Anchor.

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
We all have different first gig experiences, embarrassingly from One Direction, Reece Mastin, 5SOS but the first gig we went to together as a band was a show at the Cranker watching the Vains who we LOVEEE.

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Empowering, cathartic and kickass.

CM: What are you most looking forward to about IndieCon?
We are all so excited to meet new people in the industry, hear what the professionals have to say and see the other musicians perform in Scouted.

CM: What Adelaide artists are on your playlist right now?
Adelaide bands on our playlist right now are The Vains, The Genevieves, Freegolf, Pity Lips, Mum Friends, Coldwave, Pelvis, Maisie B, Jon Ann and Colourblind.

Sandos or Sushi? Sandos
Coffee or hot chocolate? We could not agree on this, so mocha?
Cranker or Hindley Street Music Hall?  Cranker all the way!

Sofia Menguita

Sofia is a folk/pop singer-songwriter.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?
At the moment, I’ve been a very big listener of music especially because I haven’t really had the free time to attend gigs. Streaming hasn’t been very viable for anyone, so my Bandcamp collection is slowly growing as I like to purchase a hugeeee pile of records every month. 

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
The very first gig I went to was a Mersey Sports Club (disbanded 2021) gig back in 2020 at The Hotel Metro. The lineup also had Don’t Bring Stacey, Mum’s Favourites, and Otto Lastname- which was completely stacked! It was big fun while it lasted. Unfortunately, I didn’t really see much of this gig because I was dropped off and picked up within 30 minutes…the worst part being that before my parents dropped me off, they asked one of the headliners to look after me right before my set. I was 16…

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Sad, disarming, heartwarming.

CM: How did you hear about Scouted?
A few of my friends are Scouted alumni and I thought that I should give it a shot!

CM: What Adelaide artists are on your playlist right now?
So so grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful creatives, and I wish I could name them all… but here are definitely some to look out for: Townhouse, Katie Pomery, Jesse Melancholy, Tycarni and Jamie Lena.

Sandos or Sushi? Is grilled cheese an answer?
Vinyls or CDs? CDs.
Coffee or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate!!

The Mondays

This picture: Chandler Feddern

The Mondays are an indie pop-rock trio made up of Peter Spiniello, bassist Mia Neale and Drummer Tavis O’Hazy Robertson.

CM: What’s your favourite way to consume music?

It’s difficult to deny the convenience of streaming for consuming music in your day-to-day life, but the atmosphere and community surrounding live music can’t be replicated. Hard to beat the vibes of a weekend show at the Cranker (or any day of the week for that matter!

CM: What was the first gig you went to?
: My mum took me to see lots of live music growing up. The first I can remember more clearly is going to the ‘Off the Couch’ series at Carclew and buying a band called ‘Granny Flat’s CD.

Tav: I think the first I can properly remember is seeing The Finn Brothers (Crowded House, Split Enz) with my parents at -I think- the Entertainment Centre, but the coolest early gig experience was probably my mum bringing me along to Big Day Out when I was like 13.

Peter: I went to see Bring Me The Horizon, Cancer Bats and Bullet For My Valentine at Thebarton Theatre! It was great to see the heavier styles I enjoyed back then in the flesh for the first time! I think I was 13 or 14.

CM: If you could describe the atmosphere you want to create at your gigs in just three words, what would they be?
Fun, safe, and electric.

CM: How did you hear about Scouted?
We’ve been aware of it as an annual Adelaide institution over the years (Mia even played it a few years ago with one of her other bands, Mum Friends), so we’re honoured to be selected this year!

CM: What Adelaide bands/artists are on your playlist right now?
The Tullamarines, Colter, Normal Behaviour, effie isobel, Colourblind

Sandos or Sushi? Sushi
Spotify or Apple Music? Spotify
Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Coffee

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