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April 2, 2018

CityMag Style Sample: March

You look good, Adelaide.

  • Story: Sharmonie Cockayne

As we walked down the Mall on a Thursday afternoon with a pair of $12 Kmart shoes in one hand (awks) and camera slung across our back, we realised: we might not have the fanciest, coolest shops here (yet), but sure do know how to make the best out of not a lot. Adelaide looks great this month, and here is the evidence to prove it.

$300 slides coming at ya.

Lady needs a coffee.

Comme des Headsçarf.

So often we find sushi gets in the way of a good outfit.

There are few among us who came make trackies look chic.

When your outfit matches your soda of choice.

Commes des Çonverse.

It seems both red and tartan, and sometimes tartan and red together, are trending.


Easter egg head, no?

We love a person unafraid of colour and print.

For those curious.

Casual $1120 sneaks on his feet.


Please note the Prada.

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