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September 12, 2024
What's On

From Vitalstatistix and APHIDS comes Class Act

26–28 September 2024

  • This article was produced in collaboration with Vitalstatistix.

In Class Act, working class unfortunate Mish Grigor tells the story of a grotesque world of class and social mobility straight from her dirty mouth.


Class Act
Thursday 26 – Saturday 28 September 2024
Waterside Workers Hall
Yartapuulti Port Adelaide 5015

You’re here for a retelling of My Fair Lady, but Grigor keeps veering off course to tell hilarious and humiliating stories from her own colourful history.

Joined by dancer Alice Dixon, directed by Zoey Dawson (MTC), and with some surprising moments of equine-inspired choreography, Grigor’s performance shines a light on the unseen costs of a social glow up. Plus, there’ll be high tea (but only for the bourgeoisie).

With only three performances, don’t miss out.

Tickets here.

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