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September 28, 2017
What's On

Blues and Brews Blackout Memorial at NOLA


The Blues and Brews Blackout Memorial takes place at NOLA – 28 Vardon Avenue, Adelaide – on Thursday September 28 from 7pm.

This week marks the first anniversary of the storm that tore through South Australia, knocking out our power and changing the course of national jokes about our fine state for the foreseeable future.

To commemorate this fateful event, NOLA are recreating their impromptu blackout party of 2016 with a Blackout Memorial edition of their Blues and Brews series, featuring Aidan Jazzy Jones, tonight (Thursday, 28 September) from 7pm.

The lights will be low, the candles will be aflame, and headlamps are encouraged just in case (the Jamestown Tesla battery hasn’t come to our rescue just yet).

For more information, see the event page.

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