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November 2, 2016
What's On

Vegan Festival 2016

Vegan food is good food.

And by ‘good food,’ we don’t mean ‘food of high moral character’ – though that may be the case – we mean it is delicious.

If you’ve ever turned your nose at a vegan brownie, you’ve obviously never tried a vegan brownie.

This Saturday and Sunday, 5 and 6 November, the already-initiated and the v-curious alike will descend on Victoria Square, where Vegan Festival 2016 will provide a tonne of excellent food stalls, cooking demonstrations, and guest speakers, including environmental activist/race car driver (proving binary stereotypes are a myth), Leilani Münter.

There’s a $5 dollar cover, and if you take only one piece of knowledge away from the event, let it be that the vegan option is always worth a go.

For further information on the event, see the website.

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