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June 20, 2019
What's On

Take Your Dog to Work Day

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Back in May 2018, we spoke of the benefits of canine colleagues, by checking in with a lawyer, a professor at the University of Adelaide, and a lecturer with UniSA, who each told of the benefits of having a pup employee by your side at the office.

Normally, this kind of behaviour is not sanctioned by HR – which is very strange – but one day out of every year, Australian society, in unison, sees the light and invites all doggos into the workplace for Take Your Dog to Work Day.

This year, Take Your Dog to Work Day falls on Friday, 21 June, so clear your best mate’s schedule and clear some space at your desk for the best day on the damn calendar.

Local dog, Mr Chuck, Dachshund, taking time out of his busy workday for a coffee and eclair at Abbots & Kinney on Pirie Street

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