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June 2, 2021
What's On

Sidney McMahon: Of sorrow and release

14 May—3 July 2021

Sidney McMahon invites you to ACE Open to experience their latest exhibition: Of sorrow and release.


Of sorrow and release
14 May – 3 July 2021
ACE Open Gallery, Lion Arts Centre
68 North Terrace, Adelaide 5000

Opening night event: 6pm Friday, 14 May.
Free tickets

Doors will open on Friday, 14 May at 6pm for the first look at the Sydney-based artist’s exhibition, with Sidney seeking your company in their artistic search for something Sidney both does and does not wish to find.

The installation choreographs the diverse and complex emotional registers that evolve over time when processing experiences of loss, change and revelation by bringing together kinetic sculpture, video and sound.

Ultimately, Sidney wants you to respond to the question: How do I celebrate the person I am now, whilst expressing sorrow for my previous self?

After the opening night, viewing times for Of sorrow and release will be from 11am ‘til 4pm Tuesday through Saturday.

For more information on the exhibition and opening night event, see the ACE Open website.

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