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visual art

May 25, 2017
visual art

An outsider’s chance

Ahead of tomorrow's announcement of the inaugural winner of the Ramsay Art Prize, we speak with finalist Trent Jansen – whose Pankalangu Wardrobe blurs the line between art and design.

March 3, 2016
visual art

New Camouflage goes beyond the act of killing

Artists Gabriel Cole and Lucas Croal have lost themselves in the natural art of camouflage for the past seven months. See what they found in the woods when their show, Nu Camo opens this Friday at The Mill.

December 3, 2015
visual art

Class of 2015: Art graduates to watch

There are 61 Adelaide College of the Arts visual arts graduates this year. Let that mammoth number soak in. CityMag took a look at each and every one of them, and narrowed the graduates down to just two particularly eye-catching standouts. Introducing, Emmaline Zanelli and Felicity Townsend.

September 30, 2015
visual art

Yhonnie Scarce for Tarnanthi

More than just a material held up to reflect society from time to time, Yhonnie Scarce knows glass can capture and portray the darker moments in Australia’s history – just as her work for contemporary Indigenous art festival Tarnanthi does.
