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The Mill Writer in Residence

August 25, 2021
The Mill Writer in Residence

Introducing pet portraiture artist Eleanor Green

For The Mill resident and watercolour artist Eleanor Green, a childhood passion for sketching animals has morphed into a richly textured arts practice, and an adaptive small business which doesn't exacerbate her health condition.

February 5, 2019
The Mill Writer in Residence

Skin deep: In the tattooist’s chair with Ben Brooker

Whether intended as a rite of passage, evidence of allegiance, or purely as art, tattoos have traditionally acted as a form of self-imposed exile from mainstream Western culture. From atop the tattooist's chair, Ben Brooker explores the meaning of marking yourself in the modern age.

May 8, 2018
The Mill Writer in Residence

Peter Fong: Drawing from nature

With dipping pens, nibs, and ink, freelance illustrator Peter Fong brings South Australia's flora and fauna (both current and prehistoric) to life on parchment.
