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sad cafe

August 13, 2015
sad cafe

City bagel guide: SAD Café

Whatever the weather, our bagel hunt continues. This week we followed our noses back to familiar ground, the cosy East End, to assess yet another Ebenezer institution dishing up our favourite midweek pick-me-up.

June 18, 2015
sad cafe

SAD:Cafè with Elaine Cheng

Illustrator Elaine Cheng looks at the well-loved SAD:Cafè with fresh eyes as she sketches out another place for you to visit on your Friday break.

April 8, 2015
sad cafe

Introducing: Colab for breakfast, lunch and coffee

New King William Street cafè - the aptly titled Colab - brings together luminaries from across the spectrum of Adelaide's hospitality scene in a Renew Adelaide space, for a limited time only.
