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North Terrace

March 6, 2023
North Terrace

The art of painting pictures with a thousand words

As Access2Arts's access and inclusion coordinator, Meg Riley trains people in the skill of audio-describing visual art – a practice she says is necessary to make art accessible to all.

March 30, 2022
North Terrace

Casting the net wider with ‘Metaverse’

A walk through ‘Metaverse’ delivers an immersive, unsettling encounter with the internet in all its invasiveness, making this a must for contemporary art lovers and dystopia junkies alike.

March 17, 2022
North Terrace

A STEM tour reshaping the way you see the city

‘Science on the Streets’ is a roving lecture journeying through the CBD’s streets and laneways with pitstops – such as Old Parliament House and Adelaide Botanic Gardens – inspiring participants to see Adelaide in a new way.

March 7, 2022
North Terrace

Politicians vow to fight for Frome Road trees

Independent, Greens and Labor politicians this week pledged to save a pair of century-old London Plane trees located near Lot Fourteen on one of the CBD's leafiest streets.
