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music festival

December 18, 2017
music festival

Here’s to music, booze, and this view

The Here’s to Now festival remains one of the most lovely times to be had on the Fleurieu Peninsula, but as it enters its sixth year it is evolving to reflect the changes in the life of its organiser and the changes in the culture of South Australia.

November 19, 2015
music festival

Futuresounds V

Headed up by Tom Gaffney and Patrick Lang, Futuresounds festival started as a way for these electronic musicians to have a space to play and hear the music that they loved, but now it has become something a lot bigger.

March 5, 2015
music festival

WOMADelaide: Max Savage and the False Idols

Playing songs of this time and this place, local musician Max Savage's WOMADelaide set will fill audiences with visions of an Australia we often try to forget and the urge to dance.

March 5, 2015
music festival

WOMADelaide: Public Service Broadcasting

You probably won’t walk into Womad expecting to dance to Space Race-era public information films, but if you stumble upon Public Service Broadcasting’s set you should be ready to reconsider that expectation.

March 5, 2015
music festival

The power of WOMADelaide

Cartoonist Ross Bateup reflects on the transformative power of WOMADelaide - a festival that sees us throw off our suits (metaphorical or otherwise), dance with strangers and grin from ear to ear for four straight days.
