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January 24, 2023

Lore man

As South Australian Police’s first Aboriginal learning and development officer, Uncle Mickey Kumatpi Marrutya O’Brien is helping the large organisation address its failures when policing the state’s Aboriginal community.

January 18, 2023

Harvesting a ‘cultural miracle’

On Monday, a group of environmental volunteers, Aboriginal community members and a market gardener unearthed 200 yam daisies at Brownhill Creek Recreational Park, with one Kaurna figurehead describing the project as an opportunity to “save some of nature”.

October 6, 2022

Bringing Dad home

Elder Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner has been involved in numerous high-profile repatriations of Aboriginal remains. He’s about to embark on his most personal and poignant one yet.

October 6, 2022

‘They should expect a little bit of truth’

Aboriginal man Elijah Bravington is leading eye-opening Indigenous-informed tours of the city for the Nature Festival, and says patrons should be ready to see their city in a more honest light.

September 28, 2022

Decolonising food with James Tylor

Kaurna multidisciplinary artist James Tylor has released 'Mai: Kaurna Contemporary Food', a collection of 15 recipes that use Tartanya native produce and highlight many delicious corners of Country.

May 3, 2022

‘It’s not tokenism’: Lord Mayor explains Kaurna language push

At last week’s Kadaltilla Adelaide Park Lands Authority meeting, members discussed the new Kaurna-centred name and logo. City of Adelaide Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor speaks with CityMag about why she's advocating for more use of Aboriginal languages in local government.

December 13, 2021

The weight of Wangayarta

At Wangayarta, the Kaurna community has established a new kind of cemetery, laying to rest 130 Old People whose remains have been stored in boxes for decades. The night before the burial, CityMag camped with Kaurna elders to hear about the significance of this moment.

December 9, 2021

An afternoon at Puti on Kaurna Yerta

As the Puti on Kaurna Yerta pilot program, designed to help Aboriginal remote visitors return to Country, comes to an end, CityMag spent a couple of hours getting to know the people the site has helped.

December 2, 2021

A historic Kaurna reburial will take place in Smithfield next week

A long-awaited reburial will take place in Smithfield next week, in which the remains of 130 First Nations Old People, formerly held in the SA Museum, will be buried at a dedicated Kaurna memorial site called Wangayarta. Kaurna Elder Uncle Jeffrey Newchurch explains its significance.
