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Hey Jupiter

June 29, 2019
Hey Jupiter

Adelaide winter eating guide

Going out in winter is never difficult if you know where to go and what to order. Use our Winter Eating Guide to find new and old favourites to fill up on at breakfast, lunch or dinner during SA Food Month.

January 16, 2019
Hey Jupiter

Adelaide’s top five toilets

The oft-forgotten but essential refuge of any great hospitality experience is found in the bathroom. Here we celebrate the top five water closets in the CBD based on the simple, human requirements we all have and yet too many venues fail to consider.

July 20, 2017
Hey Jupiter

The UberEATS effect

UberEATS has changed the nature of Adelaide's food service, but - as some of the city's best restaurateurs told us - change is not always for the better.

January 6, 2017
Hey Jupiter

Take a hike, kid

The East End of town is a brilliantly compact example of all the things our city does well – food, coffee, fashion, bars, parklands, and residential – all bundled up into a neat, walkable neighbourhood.
