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May 23, 2024

Speaking from the South is the thinkfest you shouldn’t miss

If you care about climate change, inequality and other world issues, you’ll welcome perspectives from the Global South. The University of Adelaide is bringing together an impressive group of writers and thinkers, including two Nobel Laureates, for a 6-day thinkfest. And tickets are insanely cheap.

August 22, 2023

Uncertain times call for a degree of business nous

The business world has long been a magnet for go-getters and change makers. But to succeed – especially with today’s challenges – having the foundation of a leading business degree is essential.

December 15, 2022

Inside the Gender Pay Gap Taskforce

South Australia has the smallest gender pay gap in the country, but a recently formed crack team has been tasked with state-based solutions to ensure everyone — from cleaners to chief executives — are paid an equitable wage.

January 12, 2017

How the Commonwealth Games could save Adelaide: Part Four

Over three instalments, architect David Cooke has told us why and how the Commonwealth Games could create a better future for Adelaide. In the final part of the series, he turn his thoughts toward the biggest question of all - how much will it cost, and how much will it be worth?

January 5, 2017

How the Commonwealth Games could save Adelaide: Part Three

In part three of his series on how the Commonwealth Games could create a better future for Adelaide, architect David Cooke gives a detailed breakdown of what would need to be done to hold the event in the city, and what legacy those choices would create.
