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10 results

February 20, 2015

Sunrise over the east

With its busy small businesses, high-end retail, large public institutions and multitude of cafés, Adelaide’s East End has long been one of our most successful precincts. But as the westward migration gathers momentum, it must take on the challenge of redefining itself.

April 12, 2023

There goes the neighbourhood

An 18-storey retirement-living apartment set for construction on Gunson Street will force out a creative warehouse full of artists, photographers and fashion designers. We speak to current and former residents of the city laneway about what is lost when young people are moved on.

February 23, 2023

The best of the Fringe so far

Fear not! There's at least one local media outlet still reviewing Adelaide Fringe shows this year. We've rounded up the best reviews from our good friends at InReview – four stars and up only.

February 18, 2019

CityMag’s Festival 50

A guide to the abundant Adelaide festival season, because there's literally too much to choose from.
