39 results

Dear Australia: Postcards from a pandemic
South Australian writers and actors have lent their talents to a national project that will see the simultaneous livestreaming this week of 50 ‘fearless and inspiring’ short works capturing the COVID zeitgeist.
How your views will affect abortion law change
Amendments to abortion law reform, informed by more than 3,000 public submissions, will be presented to the State Government this parliamentary session.
Aboriginal lives matter most on Australia Day
Over an hour-long interview, AGSA curator Nici Cumpston gently and eloquently debunks our publisher’s prejudices and preconceptions about the John Mawurndjul exhibition and the great many things we have to celebrate about Aboriginal culture.
Top 5 South Australian firsts
People in Adelaide have been doing things for a long time, and sometimes they were the first people to do these things. Here are a variety of semi-humorous descriptions of some of those times, delivered to you the reader in highly-readable list form.
Abortion has been decriminalised in SA
After months of debate in the Upper and Lower House, SA Parliament this week supported a bill making abortion a healthcare issue rather than criminal law issue, and allowing later-term procedures and greater access.
AFF Review: Black Box Diaries
In Black Box Diaries, everyone navigates the line between victim, perpetrator and bystander. The question is, which role do you play?
Read all about CityMag’s summer book club
The summer break is a great time to catch up on those books you've been meaning to read, but haven't got around to. Here are CityMag's recommendations based on our favourites for the year.
Witchy whimsy and communi-tea at Myer Centre coven
Tea, treats and tarot - oh my! Three of Cups, a teahouse that will transport you to your literary witchy dreams, is opening off Rundle Mall this weekend.